Tuesday, May 29, 2007

About 23 things

This blog has been set-up as part of the OCPL Learning 2.0 project to encourage all of us to experiment and learn about the new and emerging technologies that are reshaping the context of information on the Internet today.

This is a modified version of Learning 2.0 program designed by Helene Blowers, Technology Director, Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County and is loosely based upon Stephen Abram's article, 43 Things I (or You) might want to do this year (Information Outlook - Feb 2006) and the website 43Things.

The design of this online program was completely built on Web 2.0 technologies that are freely available on the Internet. These sites include: Blogger, Flickr, Odeo, YouTube, PBWiki & Bloglines.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How does this online learning program work?
This is a self-discovery program which encourages San Clemente Library employees to take control of their own learning and to utilize their lifelong learning skills through exploration and play. Employees are encouraged to work together and share with each other their discoveries, techniques and "how to's" both in person and through their blogs.

2. Is this program open to all San Clemente Library employees or just some?
This program is open to ALL library employees regardless of position and status (full and part time).
Participants who complete the entire course will receive a flashdrive and will be entered in a drawing for other prizes.
Non-regular staff members, please note that you will need to do the lessons outside working hours. Also, you are ineligible for any incentives offered.

If you are not a San Clemente Library employee, you are welcome to follow along, however the library cannot award you any prizes for completion.

3. How long do I have to complete the program?
The program kicks off May 31st and ends August 16th, 2007. You are expected to work on an exercise each week with the complete support of your manager. You may work ahead of course! And yes, from home if you want since this course is web based and not tied to your computer at work.

4. How do I track my progress for each of the 23 Things?
Each employee that chooses to participate in this program will be required to keep a blog to track his or her progress.

5. Will there be any training classes offered to show staff how to do this?
No, this is a self-directed learning program. You are also encouraged to be resourceful and to find a co-worker or another staff member who can help. And be sure to share your knowledge and expertise too!